Cooking originates and evolves through experimentation, and what better way to try it than with this simple and delicious recipe for Merkén cookies that will leave no one indifferent.
An incredible recipe on how to prepare delicious Chilean smoked salmon, a classic from the southern Chilean cuisine that you can now make right at home.
This recipe for mussels in oil is a magnificent way to store this delicious mollusk and give it a new value as a preserved ingredient, rested and imparting a lot of personality.
Delicious on any occasion, this scrambled eggs with onion recipe is typically consumed for breakfast, as it provides the calories and energy needed to start the day off right.
Ideal for enjoying with very fresh ingredients, reineta ceviche works perfectly in multiple circumstances, such as an appetizer or snack at the end of a hot day.
Pickled golden chili is a preparation of intense yellow and shiny color, with a lot of flavor and medium-low spiciness, ideal for accompanying any type of food.
Fried meat empanadas or “empanadas de pino” in sanish are a must-have during Chilean Independence Day celebrations, and in the south, they are usually prepared well in advance because they are considerably smaller in size than traditional oven-baked meat pies.
Delicious recipe for mussels (choritos) cooked in steam and then gratinated with a layer of cheese, undoubtedly a must-have in simple and tasty Chilean cuisine.
This recipe for preserved Chilote garlic is not about garlic in vinegar or pickled, as one might think, but rather about lacto-fermented Chilote garlic in brine.
Chilean salmon meatballs offer a different and enjoyable twist to consuming this fish, which is almost a symbol of Chilean cuisine.