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Chilean Egg Mol or Chimbo Recipe
Chilean Egg Mol or Chimbo Recipe
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Huevo mol or huevo chimbo is a very old dessert, presumably of Spanish origin, that was made in Chilean convents during colonial times.

How to make Huevo Mol or Huevo Chimbo?

Preparing huevo mol is an excellent way to use leftover egg yolks from recipes that only use egg whites, such as meringue, a classic of Chilean sweets.

Nutritional Information

Category: Typical Desserts
Cuisine: Chilean
Calories: 400
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4 people

Chilean Huevo Mol or Chimbo recipe


  • 250 g of sugar
  • 120 ml of water
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence


  1. In a large glass bowl, add the egg yolks and vanilla essence. Gently beat with a fork for 1 minute or until a frothy mixture is obtained.
  2. In a small non-stick pot, add sugar and water. Stir with a wooden spoon until dissolved, bring to a boil over high heat, and maintain for 5 to 8 minutes without stirring, until a thread-stage syrup is obtained. Remove from heat, cool slightly, and pour over the yolks in a continuous stream, constantly whisking with a balloon whisk until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  3. Place the bowl over a pot of boiling water (without the water and the bowl touching) and cook in a bain-marie for about 6 to 8 minutes, stirring constantly until it reaches a consistency similar to jam. Pour the mixture into a clean jar, cool, and keep refrigerated.
  4. Serve the huevo mol alone, topped with meringue, or use it as a filling for alfajores and cakes.

Tips for preparing Huevo Mol

  • To recognize the thread stage of the caramel, coat a wooden spoon in the syrup and let it drip, checking for a continuous thread that does not break.
  • The jam-like consistency can be checked by taking a teaspoon of the mixture and cooling it on a plate, then placing the plate vertically. When the huevo mol no longer slides, it will be ready.

History and origin of Huevo Mol

Chile is the country with the oldest record of this recipe. Historian Hernán Eyzaguirre in his book “Sabor y Saber de la Comida Chilena” states:

The recipes were substantially similar to those of the Peninsula, except for the huevos chimbos, which in that matter were as Chilean as the charquicán stew. Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna attributes the recipe to the Clarissan nuns of 17th-century Santiago.

Juan de la Mata, a Spanish pastry chef and culinary writer, records a recipe for huevos moles in his book “Arte de Repostería” from 1786.

Did you know?

This is a very popular recipe in Latin America, where it is also known as “huevos chimbos” in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Peru, or “huevos quimbos” in Argentina and Venezuela.


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